assaLamuaLaikum,, for the 1st Nama Saya Diana Paramitha Samsudin,,
nick name Diana,some friend caLL me De
I'm 22th years oLd..
Love My Fam,,Love my Future Husband "Candra",,Love my pet "Hermione",,Love my styLe,,Love Fashion,,Love Shoes..
and,,i Love Tosca and Pink..
that's why my bLog name Toscapink,,
Luv Tosca |
Luv Pink |
i mix tosca w/ pink..
I Like bright coLour,,cuz it's make me so cheerfuLL and cute Like Rainbow..
hihihihi ^__^v
de...suka banget yang namanya di foto...
Lg kuLiah jG d sempet-sempetin buat poto.. |
I Have a Boyfriend,, "Ahmad Candra LukiTo"
just caLL Candra / oki..
Suka gaya_y disini,,rapiiii,, |
Qta Punya Sebutan unik buat satu sama Lain,,
Candra To Diana : Ciku ---- From CIntaKU
Diana To Candra : Taku ---- From cinTAKU
Qta sama" suka di poto
Kata Orang" Qta mirip,,really?? |
i Like him cuz he's nose so mancung,,, hahaha,,kidding...
cuz he's patient,,selalu sabar ngadepin de yg moody..
thanks Taku,,
In the Past I was a ModeL
This is my wedges design for DNC SHOES |
This is 1 of my design for DNC SHOES |
DNC Shoes Now have a OffLine Shop @JL Suka Senang Raya No16
yukk sista" yg ada d Bandung/Lg mau k Bandung,,Langsung aja mamPir k Dhe Butik yaa..